Friday, October 24, 2014

BA1 Lesson #4 - Types of Business as to Activities

Hi there! Welcome to the fourth lesson of The Accounting Buddy. This lesson is just a continuation of our previous topic about the types of business. In our previous lesson, we have discussed the types of business as to organizations namely sole proprietorship, partnership and corporation. This time, we will focus on the types of business as to activity.

The following are the types of business as to activity:
  • Servicing
  • Merchandising
  • Manufacturing
Let’s see their differences.

The first type of business is the Service Type. These are the businesses engaged in rendering their services for a fee. By merely looking at the financial statements of a particular firm, you can identify if it is a service type of business. Usually, it uses the account title Service Revenue. Other alternatives are Professional Fees and Service Income.

Examples of service types of business are laundry shop, schools, massage parlor, barbershop and hospitals.

When it comes to degree of conversion, this type has a moderate to high degree of conversion. For example, if you are rendering your cooking skills, it is not enough to buy the ingredients. You have to slice, to mince, to chop, to boil, to cook and to serve them before you can bill your professional fee.

            Next is the Merchandising type. This sells finished goods and items at higher profits. If the service type uses Service Revenue, merchandising uses Sales account. Other account titles usually used are Merchandise Inventory, Sales Discount, Purchases, Purchases Returns and Allowances and Sales Returns and Allowances. We will further discuss each of them as we go on the process of a Merchandising type business.

            Examples of merchandising firms are groceries, sari-sari store and other buy and sell firms. Because of its simple way of generating profit, merchandising has a low degree of conversion.

            Manufacturing engages in the whole process of making the product. It starts from the purchasing of raw materials up to the finishing part of the process. Manufacturing type can either choose whether they shall use a periodic inventory system or perpetual inventory system.

            As for its accounting, it also uses the account title Sales.

         Sometimes, when a manufacturing business start assembling a product, it is not guaranteed that it can be finished before the preparation of financial statements that is why accounts are segregated as Raw Materials Inventory, Work-in Process Inventory, and Finished Goods Inventory. This shall be further discussed on our Cost Accounting lessons.

        Examples of manufacturing types of business are car, computer, and other gadgets assembly.

We have mentioned before that in a service type of business, you can either use the account titles Professional Fees or Service Revenue. You might ask which one you shall use. Actually, this depends on the company where you work. There must be consistency so use the account titles on the previous financial statements.

For classroom purposes, clarify this matter to your professor. Some professors do not consider an answer correct if the student does not follow the account title he assigned. Well, that is very reasonable because in real world, you have to follow what the management has assigned.



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